Smt Drakshayani Kalyanshettar Public School
Shakti colony, Near Adhyapak Nagar, Hubli-580032. Karnataka
Contact No: +91836-2958579/ 8904262165
E-MAIL: indiradkpublicschool@gmail.com
SCHOOL NO: 45206
Members Of The Student Welfare Committee
Chairman Of J K Education Society - Shri Jagadish C Kalyanshettar
Santosh Nagar, Hubli
Vice - Chairperson Of J K Education Society - Smt Savita J Kalyanshettar
Santosh Nagar, Hubli
Principal Of D K Public School - Smt Indira Vijaykumar
Mayuri Estate, Hubli
Renowned Person - Dr. Govind Mannur
Shakti Colony, Hubli
Teacher Of D K Public School - Smt Reena Morab
Mantur Road, Hubli
Parent Of D K Public school - Smt Asha Nayak
Sulla Road, Hubli
- Mrs. Anjana Kurdekar
The Institution from the time of its inception (2008), has put forth its best of its efforts in spreading its light of knowledge. Under the creative guidance of Shri Jagadish Kalyanshettar. Chairman of J.K. Education Society, Shri Basavaraj Kalyanshettar, President and Shri Siddalingesh Kalyanshettar, Secretary. The all round personality of the student is also well groomed by the various co-scholastic activities imparted in the school. The calm serene atmosphere, spacious campus and classrooms, have nurtured the growth of academics, sports & co-scholastic activities in the students. We have classes from NUR to Std X under the CBSE curriculum.
Man with creative vision and broad perspective plans for the future generation.
He has contributed a lot to the field of education, through his Institutions,
for his remarkable outlook the State Government has presented him with
"BHARAT VIKAS RATNA NATIONAL AWARD". The award was presented by
Honorable Kannada and Cultural Minister Shri Govind Karjol, Former Minister
Shri P.G.R Sindhia and Former Union Minister Shri M.V. Rajashekaran.
Educational aspects should be wide scale with wide perspective.
such thought should be unifying & comprehensive concerning to contemporary age. Unifying means it should be one framework all inclusive from Pre-primary to high school .It unifies the personality of a person rather than fragmenting. Comprehensive means all the matters related to character development & contemporary education means education i.e eternal. Education should be life long & learning for it starts from Pre-primary of Primary. As a matter & of fact progress & development of nation depends on quality & standard of education which offers solution to emerging problems, produces leaders of all segments of the society & also enables better utilization of available resource.
The main aim and objective of the school is to imbibe values, knowledge through activities, bringing about holistic development in a child. The co-scholastic, areas cater to areas beyond the intellectual level, where in the 3H's are involved bringing about an all round development of a child. So emphasis is laid even in co-scholastic activities.
Dear Parents,
To mould a student in the right perspective, parents and teachers have to work proactively
as a team. with proper co-ordination. So your co-operation and support is needed to bring
out the best from your child. Learning is a process which is based on relationships,
teacher with student, student with subject, and learning with memory. Education has
always been a milestone of the society, At D.K. School, it is our endeavour to delve deeper
into the true purpose of education by giving our students opportunities not only in academics
but also in co-curricular activities, creating an environment that is positive, inspiring,
challenging and stimulating.
We want each one of our students to follow their bliss, blaze new trails and open new doors. Under the able guidance of our Chairman Shri Jagadish Kalyanshettar who shapes over a thousand minds each day, I assure you that D.K. School will always remain as the foremost temple of learning.
"Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trial"
School Details
Emergency Numbers
Child Help Line -1098
Ashok Nagar Police Statio - 0836 - 2233490
Smt Pushpalata - P.S.I - 9480802038
Police Control Room- 0836 - 2233555
District Commissioner-0836 - 2233888
Hubli - Dharwad Commissioner Of Police- 0836 - 2233544
Police Superintendent- 0836 - 2233205
D.D.P.I- 0836 - 2448250
District Child Safety Unit- 0836 - 2742420/9332643017
Mrs. Savita J kalyanshettar
Mr. Jagadish Kalyanshettar
1. Name of the School with address Smt.Drakshayani Kalyanshettar Public School
(Strictly as per Affiliation sanction ShaktiColony,NearAdhyapaknagar, Goppankoppa R.S.No.179/1A/2 Letter or as permitted Dharwad ( KARNATAKA) HUBLI-580031.
by the Board ) with pin code no.
(i) E-mail indiradkpublicschool@gmail.com
(ii) Ph no. 91836-2958579
(iii) Fax No. -------------
2. Year of establishment of school June 2008
3. Whether NOC from State/UT or STATE
recommendation of Embassy of India
(i) NOC NO. No : ED 116 PGC 2008
(ii) NOC issuing date 14.03.2008
4. Is the school is recognized,if yes by Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi
which Authority
5. Status of affiliation Provisional
Permanent /Regular/Provisional
(i) Affiliation No. 830277
(ii) Affiliation with the Board since 01-04-2009
(iii) Extension of affiliation upto 31-03-2022
6. Name of Trust/Society/Company J.K.Education Society (R)
Registered under Section 25 of the
Company Act, 1956
Period upto which Registration of Every year RENEWED
Trust/Soiciety is valid
7. List of members of school Managing
Committee with their Address/ tenure School Committee
is valid
8.Name and official address of the Manager Mr.JAGADISH .C.KALYANSHETTAR
/President / Chairman/ Correspondent Shakti colony,Near Adhyapak Nagar,
(i) E-mail shettarjk1@gmail.com
(ii) Ph.No. 9980303579
(iii) Fax No. Nil
9. Area of school campus
(i) In Acres 1 Acre 32.8 Guntas
(ii) In sq.mtrs 7323 Sq metre
(iii) Built up area (sq.mtrs) 28880 Sq.feet
(iv) Area of playground in sq.mtrs 2500 Sq.metre
(v) Other Facilities 25X36
(vi) Swimming pool 25X36
(vii) indoor games 26x20
(viii) Dance Rooms 26x20
(ix) Gymnasium ________
(x) Music Rooms 26x20 feet
(xi) Hostels ______
(xii) Health and Medical Check up ______
10. Details of fee structure Fee Structure
11. Transport Facility
(i) Own buses 1 Bus
(ii) Buses hired on contract basis
(iii) Details of transport charges
12. Particulars of teaching staff (to be
updated time to time) Details of Teaching Staff
13. Details of salary being paid by the
school to teaching staff /non-teaching
(to be updated time to time) Details of Salary Paid to Teaching Staff
14. Mode of payment of salary
(i)Name of the Bank through which PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK
salary is drawing
(ii) Through single cheque transfer Yes
(iii) Individual cheque NO
(iv) Cash NO
15. Library Facilities
(i) Size of the Library in sq.feet 30x20 feet
(ii) No of Periodicals EIGHT
(iii) No of Dailies SIX
(iv) No of Reference books class-wise List Enclosed
(v) No of Magazine Five
(vi) others
16. Name of the Grievance /redressal Ms. Divya Awaji
Officer With E-mail,Ph No , Fax No Mail ID- divyaawaji77@gmail.com/7813079177
17. Members of Sexual Harassment Mrs Preeti S Bixawatimath
18. Section wise enrollment of school
for the Current session Enrollment of School Current Session
19. Academic session period From May 2020 to MARCH 2021
20. Vacation period From MID MARCH to MID MAY
21. Admission period From FEB to APRIL